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The Doctor

Dr. Barbara Karagkiozaki, a cardiologist, with postgraduate and doctoral studies in Nanotechnologies is the first Nanomedical Doctor in Greece.

Her strong experience in the field of scientific medical research led to the establishment of the VK NANO company and the creation of the pioneering NANOTOUCHE® cosmetics series that combine innovative cutting edge technologies with the utilization of the beneficial ingredients of Greek herbs and anti-oxidants.

She holds patents in the field of nanotechnology and nanomedicine and is an inventor of the VKL® novel formula that carries anti-oxidants targeted to deeper layers of skin for cell regeneration and reconstruction.

Dr. Barbara Karagkiozaki is the Head of Nanomedicine Group of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and has been a Principal Investigator in more than 30 European and Greek research projects, aiming at the application of Nanomedicine to many diseases.

She has numerous publications in foreign journals, >180 invited speeches all over the world and presentations mainly in international conferences. She has received scientific awards, has rich writing scientific work in Greek and international prestigious scientific journals.
She was the editor of the American Book ‘Horizons in Clinical Nanomedicine’ and among others is a member of the European Platform of Nanomedicine, the European and American Clinical Platform of Nanomedicine, and a judge in French and European Research Projects on Nanomedicine.